So EMC World 2011 has come and gone. Now is the time that we can look back and remember. For those of you who were unable to make it live (or watch the webcast), a video of our #nerdherd has been posted on the EMC Community Network website. I want to thank Alan Zenreich for filming and posting the video. If you are one of the many people who prefer a more static image, EMC’s own David Elmes did most of the photography (including the photos of our meetup you see below). To see the rest of his work and other’s, check out the EMC World 2011 flickr stream. Once again, thanks to everyone that made this happen and enjoy the pictures and video.
EMC World 2011 #nerdherd: Lights, Camera, Action!
Tagged ECN, emc, EMC World, flickr, nerdherd, photography, Social City. Bookmark the permalink.